Tuesday, March 15, 2011


i don't have money to donate,
i'm not superwoman to make sure thye're okay,
i'm not capable to help them,
all i can is

I just can't sleep tonight,
knowing that things ain't right.
It's in the papers, it's on the TV,
it's everywhere that i go.

But i know there's sunshine behind that rain,
I know there's good times behind that pain (hey)
Can you tell me how i can make a change?

I close my eyes, and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray.
I close my eyes and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray.


perasaan =.='

Aku ni macam bukan kwan diorg jee... terasa kot klau org x nk anggap aku kawan tapi aku yg tergedik2x nk kwan ngn dorg.. kalau xnk kawan cakaplah! aku boleh carik kwan lain... buat pening kepla aku je fikir bende sume ni... aku tau la aku ni annoying.. fine!


APE AKU MERAPU NI HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! over pulak!!! diorg x nk kwan biar je la diorang.. aku kwan je la ngn org lain.... kan..kan..kan....

erghhhh lame nak mampus!! pffft~~

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Fatin Teera azhar Izzah Afini Meera Syakira Raja Thanks gile weh sebab Dah jaya kan plan Aku..... Fatin terharu Aku happy gile buat dorg happy.... I love you all.. Aku takut gile kalau x jd kot... Wlaupun ade yg x dtg tp x pe la .. Xde rezeki Korg.... Yg Aku x ajak pulak sorry la weh.. Aku pun buat last minit.. Aku takut sgt fatin x sukesbnrnye.... Haha...